Check the box after you have read the statement below. *
How hope that Student Accessibility Services can help me: *
What is your main campus? *
Be sure to give us an email address that you check on a regular basis - this is how we will contact you after we receive your form.
Can we leave messages at this number? *
Are you currently receiving OSAP? *
Are you currently enrolled in classes? *
Do you have a family doctor? *
Students with existing diagnosis should explore registration with our office. If you are already registered with Student Accessibility Services, please make an appointment with your Accessibility Counsellor to discuss your difficulties.
Have you done poorly in any courses at York (or another post-secondary institution)? *
Have you ever failed a course because you did not complete or submit assignments?
How would you rate your learning skills (e.g. time management, prepping for exams, notetaking)? *
Have you ever had difficulties with the following? Please check all that apply.
Are you having any difficulties with stress, anxiety, depression or other emotional/psychological concerns? *
Did you have trouble learning to read, spell or do math? *
Did you have difficulties with short attention span, concentration or restlessness as a child? *
Do you experience any of the following? Please check all that apply. *
Have you accessed any of the supports listed below? Please check all that apply. *
Notification of How Your Information will Be Used
Student Accessibility Services collects medical documentation and other information pertaining to your functional limitations, your history of learning or personal circumstances for the following purposes:
• To verify the need for disability related accommodations for academic work and
• To develop and implement effective disability related accommodations and supports
Student Accessibility Services respects your privacy and keeps your information confidential. Information may be shared with university staff, but only on a need-to-know basis to allow them to perform their duties and to provide academic or other disability related accommodations on campus.
• Test and Exam accommodations will be shared with the Alternate Exam/Test Scheduling for invigilation.
• The name of students with a reduced course load as an accommodation may be shared for fees adjustment purposes or to arrange bursaries.
• Accessibility Counsellors may speak to a professor, registrar or residence staff to arrange accommodations and supports.
• When a student encounters difficulties that require attention from other University units, such as Student Counselling & Development, Students of Concern Committee, Office of Student Community Relations, Residence Life, necessary information is shared with those units.
To protect your information, all university staff receiving information follows University policies and guidelines, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and other legal requirements*.
"Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About How Information is Used" is available from our website: https://accessibility.students.yorku.ca/index.php/how-your-information-is-used
If you have any questions, please send an email to sasreg@yorku.ca. Your email will be forwarded to the Director for follow up as soon as possible.
* Student Accessibility Services provides academic accommodation and support to students with disabilities in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Policy on accessible education for students with disabilities and York University Senate Policy on Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities.
Student Accessibility Services at York University is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ("FIPPA") and York University’s Policy on Access to Information and Protection of Privacy. Information is collected under the authority of The York University Act, 1965 to administer the university-student relationship.